Tuesday, June 15, 2010

News and other news...

As some of you might have noticed... there's been a few changes around my neck of the woods. Almost all of my blogs went through some cosmetic changes... I hope you like them. Please take a moment to go and check them out. I also want to point out that all chapters of TMaHM that have been written ARE posted on it's blog. I will be getting NMW updated as soon as I can, even though that story is currently on hiatus. In related news... I am diligently working toward a new chapter of TMaHM.. which should be hitting sometime really soon... I hope. And for those of you that missed it, there is an outtake posted. It's called Memoirs of A Dom. It will be various chapters from Edward's PoV. It can be found here:

Thanks for all of your love and support. I can never fully explain to you what it means to me. I love each and every one of you.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TMaHM Chs 5 & 6

Both chapters five and six of TMaHM have been posted. Go check them out and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


is now in beta. Should be posted sometime either later today or mid day tomorrow. Latest by Friday... promise, promise. :)

Everyone give a big warm thank you to Jen for all her hard work. I know she's still my cherry lifesaver. :D

Monday, June 8, 2009


Chapter Thirteen of NMW has been posted as well as Chapter 5 of TMaHM. I am currently working on chapter 6 of TMaHM and should have something to the wonderful Jen by mid week. Who else is excited by that? lol

Much love to everyone, and I hope you're enjoying the stroke of inspiration and creativity that hit me.

Monday, May 25, 2009

NMW Update...

So I'm not giving up on any of my stories... that would be tragic. I am in the process of fleshing out the next chapter of No Matter What, which should be done in about a week or so. I hope at least. I do have to tell you though, my days are going to be filling up here shortly with summer coming and kids out of school. As of now, I can write when the baby naps, but with my oldest out of school my writing time will be severely decreased. I DO try to write free hand when I have the time, as I'm not able to get on the computer as much, but even that isn't nearly as much as I'd like. Anyway, don't give up on me... I promise to finish all of my stories. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Mistress and Her Master Update

Okay... that's a lot to type. So from now on this will be TMaHM, and the other story will be NMW. Got it? Okay. So I've uploaded all of the chapters now that are written for TMaHM as well. I hope you're enjoying them. I know I had a lot of umm, fun writing them for you.

As always, let me know what you think. And if there are any questions, come see us in the forums. Hope to talk to y'all soon.


No Matter What Update

All the chapters I have written so far for No Matter What have been uploaded here. I hope you enjoy the story and will let me know what you think. All comments are appreciated.

If you have any questions, come visit us in the forums or email me and I'll try to make sure you get an answer as quickly as possible. That is, of course, if you're trying to wheedle the plot out of me... there are only a select few people that know that. If you're not one of them, don't ask. ;)